Reading Time: 2 minutes

Story: When Brer Fox Don’t Fool Brer Rabbit
Book: “Folk-Tales from Georgia,” in Journal of American Folklore, v. 13
Author(s): Emma Backus
Published: 1900
Internet Archive link.

Notes: Eye-dialect removed, plus editing for paragraphing and punctuation.

Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox Court the Possum Gal

Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox was courting the Possum gal. Brer Rabbit were a mighty taking chap among the gals, and he have the gals nigh about all to hisself. It Mr. Rabbit this, and Mr. Rabbit that, and the balance of the chaps have to stand back.

One night Brer Fox he go up to pay his respects to the Possum gal, and the servant fetch down word Miss Possum have an engagement, and Brer Fox he just naturally know Brer Rabbit am sitting up in the parlor with Miss Possum, and Brer Fox he just can’t stand it, and he study, Brer Fox do, how he going fetch Brer Rabbit home.

Now Brer Rabbit are a doctor. Brer Rabbit are a right smart of a doctor, sure enough. Brer Fox he go home and he make like he have a fit and die, and he stretch hisself out on the floor like he plumb dead, and Miss Fox and the little Foxes they rush round and cry and they say, “Send for the doctor! send for the doctor!”

So the little Fox boy he put out hard as he can run for the doctor. He knock at Miss Possum’s door; he say, “Where the doctor? A man dead and done send for the doctor.”

And Brer Rabbit he ask, “Who dead?” And when he say it Brer Fox, Brer Rabbit he don’t want to go, but Miss Possum she take on, and call Brer Rabbit a cruel man, so Brer Rabbit he put on his hat and put out for Brer Fox house.

When Brer Rabbit get to Brer Fox house, sure enough he finds Brer Fox stretched out plumb dead, but Brer Rabbit he have his suspicions. He feel of Brer Fox heart; it right warm. Brer Rabbit he say, “I never believe nobody dead till I hear ’em give a big groan.”

Brer Fox he give a monstrous powerful groan “Ounk!”

Then Brer Rabbit he just kick Brer Fox, and call him a deceitful old man, and Brer Rabbit he put out back to Miss Possum’s house. Brer Rabbit he tell Miss Possum about Brer Fox mean deceitful ways. From that time, when Miss Possum meet Brer Fox on the big road, she make like she don’t know him, and she favor Brer Rabbit more constant.

large shadow of rabbit looming over a small fox

Photo by Sogni_Hal at Flickr.