Reading Time: 3 minutes

Story: When Brer Possum Attend Miss Fox’s House-Party
Book: Folktales from Georgia, in Journal of American Folklore, v. 13.
Author(s): Emma Backus
Published: 1900
Internet Archive link.

Notes: Eye-dialect removed, plus editing for paragraphing and punctuation.

When Possum Went to Mrs. Fox’s Party

Once long before the war, when times was good, Miss Fox she set out for to give a house-party, Miss Fox did. And Miss Fox she allow she ain’t going invite the lastest person to her house-party excepting the quality, and when Brer Fox, he just mention Brer Possum’s name, Miss Fox she rear and charge, Miss Fox do. She give it to Brer Fox, and she allow how she don’t invite no poor white trash to her house-party, and she allow, Miss Fox do, how Brer Fox must set his mind on giving a tacky party.

Brer Fox, he allow how Brer Possum ain’t no poor white trash, but Miss Fox she declare Brer Possum ain’t no more than a half-strainer, and so Miss Fox she don’t invite Brer Possum to her house-party.

Well, Brer Possum he feel mighty broke up when he hear all the other critters talking about the house-party, ’cause Brer Possum he have plenty money. Brer Possum are a mighty shifty man, and always have plenty money.

Well, Brer Possum he tell Brer Rabbit how he feel about Miss Fox house-party, and he ask Brer Rabbit, Brer Possum do, why he don’t be invited.

Brer Rabbit, he allow it all because Brer Possum don’t hold up his head and wear store clothes, and Brer Rabbit he advise Brer Possum to order hisself some real quality clothes, and a churn hat, and go to Miss Fox house-party, and he allow, Brer Rabbit do, how they won’t know Brer Possum, and mistake hisself sure for some man from the city.

So old Brer Possum he got plenty money, and he go to the city, Brer Possum do, and he order just a quality suit of clothes, Brer Possum do, and he go to the barber, and get hisself shaved, and his hair cut, and he present hisself at Miss Fox house-party.

Well, you may be sure Brer Possum, he receive flattering attention, he surely did, and the last one of the people asking, “Who that fine gentleman?” “Who that city gentleman?” “Who that distinguished-looking gentleman?” and Brer Rabbit he make hisself forward to introduce Brer Possum right and left, “My friend Mr. Potsum from Augusta!” That old Brer Rabbit he done say “Potsum” ’cause enduring they find him out, that old Brer Rabbit he gonna swear and kiss the book he done say Possum all the time. That just exactly what that old man Rabbit going to do.

But, Lord bless you! They all that taken up with the fine gentleman, they don’t suspicion hisself, and he pass a mighty proudful evening, Brer Possum do.

But when it come retiring-time, and the gentlemans all get their candles and escorted to their rooms, Brer Possum, he look at the white bed, and he look all about the room, and he feel powerful uncomfortable, Brer Possum do, ’cause Brer Possum he never sleep in a bed in all his born days. Brer Possum, he just can’t sleep in a bed. The poor old man, he walk round the room, and round the room, till the house get asleep, and he take off all his fine clothes, and he open the door softly, and step out all to hisself — he powerful tired — and he just climb a tree what stand by the porch, and hang hisself off by his tail and fall asleep.

In the morning, when Miss Fox get up and open the door, she see Brer Possum hanging from the limb. She that astonished she can’t believe her eyes, but Miss Fox know a fine fat Possum when she see him, she surely do.

Well, Miss Fox she catch hold of Brer Possum and kill him, and dress him, and serve him up on the breakfast-table, and the guests, they compliment Miss Fox on her fine Possum breakfast, but when they go call the fine gentleman from the city, they just find his fine clothes, but they never suspicion where he done gone, till many day after, when old Brer Rabbit he done let the secret out.

Possum in a tree

Photo of possum in a tree at Wikimedia,